Brinkworth Show 2025

The Walton Family Cup
Most points gained in sections A-C (Vegetables and Fruit)
Robin Lancefield
The Bill Dunn Trophy
Outstanding exhibit in sections A-C
Robin Lancefield
The Wanborough Herb Nursery Cup
Best exhibit in section 19
Rosemary Tuck
The Adams Family Trophy
Most points gained in section D (Floral Art)
Gill Humm
The Wakely Cup
Best exhibit in section D
Mary Greener
The Slade Family Cup
Most points gained in section E (Flowers and Plants)
Sylvia Howse
The Logan Family Cup
Outstanding exhibit in section E
Sue Scammell
The John Magill Memorial Shield
Best photograph in section F
Anthony Brooks
The Bennett Trophy
Most points gained in section F
Anne- Marie Tuck
The Howells Family Cup
Most points gained in section G (Domestic Classes)
Anne-Marie Tuck
The Malcolm Scott Memorial Shield
Best exhibit in class 73 (eggs)
Ed Rawlings
The Miss M. A. Brown Cup
Best specimen handwriting under 8 years
Caleb Sherhod
The Jean Lambe Memorial Cup
Best specimen handwriting 8-11 years
Phillippa Maitland
The Brinkworth Brownie Cup
Most points gained in section H Children under 8 years
(Excl. handwriting)
Ada Smith
The Brinkworth Carnival Committee Shield
Most points gained in section I Children 8-11 (excl. handwriting)
Ella Smith
The Bennett Cup
Most points gained in section J
Alex Broadhurst
The Brinkworth W.I. Cup
Most points gained in section K (Handicrafts)
Shona Brown
The Beavis Family Cup Junior
Best photograph up to 12 years old Section I
Lola Guyatt
The Beavis Family Cup Senior
Best photograph up to 15 years old Section J
Alex Broadhurst
The Three Crowns Goblet
Best exhibit in Class 74-77
Rosemary Tuck
Brinkworth Master Chef’s Hat
Class 71 Cake “Men Only”
Ed Rawlings
Would you like to help organise the P & H Show?
If you are interested in helping in anyway from planning, to helping in the marquee on the day or packing the tables away after the auction. If you would like to help please call Chris on 01666 510557
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