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The Walton Family Cup

Most points gained in sections A-C (Vegetables and Fruit)

The Bill Dunn Trophy

Outstanding exhibit in sections A-C

The Wanborough Herb Nursery Cup

Best exhibit in section 19

The Adams Family Trophy

Most points gained in section D (Floral Art)

The Wakely Cup

Best exhibit in section D

The Slade Family Cup

Most points gained in section E (Flowers and Plants)

The Logan Family Cup

Outstanding exhibit in section E

The John Magill Memorial Shield

Best photograph in section F

The Howells Family Cup

Most points gained in section G (Domestic Classes)

The Malcolm Scott Memorial Shield

Best exhibit in class 73 (eggs)

The Miss M. A. Brown Cup

Best specimen handwriting under 8 years

The Jean Lambe Memorial Cup

Best specimen handwriting 8-11 years

The Brinkworth Brownie Cup

Most points gained in section H Children under 8 years

 (Excl. handwriting)

The Brinkworth Carnival Committee Shield

Most points gained in section I Children 8-11 (excl. handwriting)

The Brinkworth W.I. Cup

Most points gained in section K (Handicrafts)

The Beavis Family Cup Junior

Best photograph up to 12 years old Section I

The Beavis Family Cup Senior

Best photograph up to 15 years old Section J

The Three Crowns Cup

Best exhibit in Class 74-77

Brinkworth Master Chef’s Hat

Class 71 Cake “Men Only”

Certificates are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and sometimes Highly Commended awards are made by the judges

Small Cash Prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in children’s sections H, I and J and may be collected from 3.45pm onwards on show day

Produced by Brinkworth Produce & Handicraft Committee 2018. Proudly created with 

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