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A little bit of history.....

2018 is the biggest change that this show has gone through in its 39 years, since it was started in 1979 by Brinkworth Womens' Institute, under the guidance of Mrs Ros Adams Show Secretary.


This history of the Show

A lot of you will remember that from the Queens Silver Jubilee in 1977, Brinkworth Carnival was created and this was held from 1978 on the Recreation Field in the last week of August culminating with the Carnival Procession through the village and Produce and Handicraft Show on the Bank Holiday Saturday afternoon. This was a whole week of events, with football and golf matches, bingo, auction, barn dance and not forgetting the Brinkworth Carnival Princess competition, plus the car treasure hunt.  The show started off small, but very quickly got larger and within a few years we were seeing the number of entries rise to between 5-600 or more each year, and this was without the large entry of childrens handwriting, which we now have.  Unfortunately, in 1999, the WI decided to close and disband due to falling numbers, and the Brinkworth Carnival also decided to call it a day in 2002, due to lack of support, so the P & H committee were very worried as to what would happen to the show, as it could’nt survive on its own.

However, the Brinkworth Country Show had been started a few years earlier and we were invited to bring the P & H show to Brinkworth House. It continued here until 2011, when the Country Show stopped running, and it was brought back to its home in 2012 on the Recreation Field.  Long may it continue here, right in the centre of the village!!!

We have missed one year in its history, which was 2013, due to very wet weather preceding the show and the field was too wet to accommodate the marquees.

Chris Walton    

Chairman P & H Committee.

Produced by Brinkworth Produce & Handicraft Committee 2018. Proudly created with 

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